Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Important questions from chapter -1 NATURE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF MANAGEMENT

Chapter -1

1.                  Which force is consisted as the essence of management?
2.                  ‘Doing the task with minimum cost” name the term associated with management?
3.                  ‘ In order to be successful , an organization must change its goals according to the needs of the environment. Whish characteristics of management are highlighted in this statement.
4.                  Which function of management is bridges the gap between where we stand today and where we want to reach/
5.                  Name the function of management which establishes organization structure and establishes authority and responsibility relations?
6.                  In which functions of management standards are compared with actual, deviations are find out and corrective steps are taken?
7.                  Anything (-) management is equal to what?
8.                  Departmental manages are included at which level of management?
9.                  Name the level of management the following parts belongs to.
1.                  Purchase managers.
2.                  CEO
3.                  Superintendent.
10.              ‘Survival profit and growth are essential target of any business’ which objectives of management is referred here?
11.              ‘Every organization whether it is business or non-business should use environmental methods of production, give employment opportunities and provide basic amenities like schools and crèches to employees’ name the objective of management indicated here?
12.              The activities involved in managing an enterprise are common to all organizations whether social or political’ which characteristics of management is highlighted by this statement?

13                What is PODSCORB?

14.       How Management is an intangible force? 
15.               “Management is essential for successful running of an enterprise”, How?
16.       Father of Mr. ‘Y’ acts as Vice President in ABC Ltd. Name the level of   
           Management he is working? Explain Any two functions performed by him?
17.       Mr. Anil working as a ‘Sales department Head in XYZ Ltd. Name the level of
                  Management he is working? Explain Any two functions performed by him?
18.      Explain any 3 functions performed by operational Level?
19.     ‘Co-ordination’ is the essence of Management’ Explain.
20.     “Management is critical ingredient of a nation’s growth” Comment.
21.      Why Mgt is considered as Multi dimensional function? 
22.    “Mgt is Science as well as act”. Explain this statement

Suggested  Answers

1.                  Co-Ordination
2.                  Efficiency
3.                  “Management is dynamic functioning”
4.                  Planning
5.                  Organizing
6.                  Controlling
7.                  Zero / failure / Nothing
8.                  At middle management
9.                  i)    middle Level
ii) Top level
iii) Supervisory Level
10.              Organizational objectives
11.              Social Objectives
12.              Management is all pervasive.
13.              Luther Gullick gave the keyword PODSCORB which stands for Planning, Directing, Staffing, Co-coordinating, Reporting and budgeting.
14.      The presence of management can be felt by seeking the orderliness and co-ordination in the   
            working environment.
e.g. if the inventory of finished products is increasing day by day it clearly indicates mismanagement of marketing and sales.
      15.       Management increases efficiency.
Ensures optimum utilization of resources
Management creates dynamic organization

16.       Top level of Management
1.         Determining the objectives of the enterprise
2.         Assembling all the resources such as finance, fixed

      17.      Middle level of management
                   1.         Interpretation of policies framed by top Management to lower level.
                   2.         Recruiting & Selecting the employees for their department
                   3.         Motivation the persons to perform to their best ability

18.       1. Looking to safety of workers.
2. to boost morale of workers.
3.Representing the problems of workers before the middle level management

19.      Co-ordination is needed to perform all the functions of management
Co-ordination is required at all the levels
Co-ordination is the most important function of an organization.

     20        Mgt Helps in creating employment opportunities
Mgt insists providing Quality goods.
Mgt helps in increasing GDP and leads to growth of Nation.

      21        Mgt of work
Mgt of people
Mgt of operation

22.      Mgt as a science
                                            i.            Systematic body of Knowledge
                                          ii.            Principles are based on repeated experiments
             Mgt as an Art
                                            i.            Existence of theoretical Knowledge
                                          ii.            Application of Knowledge

1 comment:

  1. sir ,
    marks distribution please ..
    thank you
